
Low and Bonar Corporate portal launched

Low and Bonar is leading manufacturer of performance materials, with direct presence in 20 countries around the world.

With our partners, we deployed a centralized corporate CMS platform in order to provide a single point for managing company digital presence.

Single CMS stores and manages all web content and digital assets, which are used on the main corporate site and various brand microsites.

High availability and preformance is guaranteed by elastic hosting using Amazon AWS, using CloudFront content delivery network.


Grant Thornton G portal

„G“ is Grant Thornton portal for managers of small companies, offering services and networking in order to accelerate growth of their organizations.

It’s a central spot for startups and small entrepreneurs, where they’ll get help with business development, financing, skills and personal development.
Interactive1 built a portal integrating Gigya Identity Management Platform with WordPress CMS, providing fully personalized user experience. Gigya platform provides single sign-on feature and usage tracking, enabling “big data” analysis.

Performance is guaranteed by hosting on amazon AWS, using ElasticBeanstalk and Fastly CDN.


Responsive PwC Inform

After almost a year of development, major new release of PwC Inform has entered production.

Inform 3.10 features significantly redesigned adaptive and responsive user interface, optimized for touch screen devices. New Toolbox has gathered various content tools into a single always-on gadget that helps its 70.000 users to access site information more effectively.

Web version of Inform will be followed by a PC version scheduled for end of 2017.


International Union for Conservation of Nature – IUCN

IUCN is a membership union for nature conservation, seated in Genève, Switzerland. It is a leading provider of conservation data, assessments and analysis. Its members are 1.300 governments, public, private and non-governmental organisations, and 16.000 experts.

In organisation whose main job is gathering, storing and presenting vast amount of data, project and flow management is essential. For IUCN we have created project portal, integrating project processes workflow with Microsoft Dynamics as a central project data storage.

Besides data gathering, important element of the project is reporting system that provides quick access to all data to IUCN’s members and employees.


Safe driving mobile app

For international startup company we have developed application that consists of iOS and Android apps, central database and supporting web components.

Mobile application is used during car rides, constantly monitoring velocity and comparing it to current road speed limits and conditions. This information is used to create a driver’s profile. Registered drivers can voluntarily share the collected information with car insurance company and gain additional discount based on their behaviour on the road.


Cunningham Lindsey corporate portal

Cunningham Lindsey are world leader in claims and risk management, with over 600 offices in 60 countries. Originally, territories had different websites, based on various technologies, and no common platform or strategy for content maintenance or hosting.

Interactive1 implemented unique corporate CMS platform, build the global portal and local microsites.

High availability and quick page load is guaranteed by hosting in the cloud: redundant cluster spread across two regions, with CloudFront CDN.



For DIM Production Studio, in support of children TV show, we have created video portal that collects and presents user generated video content.

Portal allows registered users to upload their videos, but before videos become publicly available parental consent is obtained. Once approved, movies are stored in CMS and users can additionally edit them and share on social networks.


Chamber of Commerce – real time price checks

For Chamber of Commerce of Cuneo, in Italy, we have upgraded price tracking portal with module for real time price change alerting.

New module allows commercial subscribers to select categories or specific products they are interested in, for which they will receive alerts via text message or mobile app. This ensures that field workers receive latest price change information, and significantly decreases amount of contact centre calls.


Testing in the cloud

For our UK based client we have created integrated system for mobile app automated testing.

It’s a complex cloud application for shared testing resources scheduling, which allows large mobile app development teams to efficiently share limited number of test mobile devices.

Resource allocation is achieved using dynamic network routing between developer and mobile devices physically stored in a data centre. Application is integrated in IDE, or can be used directly from the browser.
